Computer Problems?
Call or Text: 514-758-0809
Save Time, Save Money, Call Ami
One Stop Tech Support
Lowest Rates for Best Service
Do Not Pay Unless Problem Resolved
Located in Montréal, Quebec
Providing On-Site and Remote Services, English and French
Network – home office / business
Server installation, configuration and support
PC installation sand support
Data back up and recovery
Remote support
Mobile devices support
VoIP support
PC/Mac repair
IT solutions
Internet security
New and second-hand equipment
Taking Care of Your Computers, Servers and Network
Call or Text 514-758-0809, or send your message in the form here at the right.
Computer and network specialist providing a wide array of IT support services.
On-site and remote support.
Efficient problem resolution.
Server and computer setup and maintenance.
Network setup and maintenance.
Storage management.
Web and mobile applications.
Integrated IT solutions.
Technical advisory.
Affordable rates and support options:
$40 Home service
$60 Small Office and Home Office (SOHO)
$80 Enterprise, Business Office
Hour Banks and other pricing options at your choice - ask for details.
Also selling computer and network equipment, new & second-hand - reduce operational costs, I can guide you to your best price/performance result, no need to spend your budget on the most expensive solution!